In search of LightningI have always been fascinated with lightning photos. The ability to capture lightning as a still is remarkable. This image was fired at...
Realty PhotosThe past year or so I have tried my skill in realty photography for Hampton Nash www, They have been...
Boston Night SkylineWell, It sure has been a while since I have done anything like this. It was fun and I shot lots of images. I was really looking to get...
The Cathedral of CologneThis image was a blast to shoot and has been seen in many magazines for Tameron lenses. No. I did not shoot the mag image but feel like...
Touchstone FarmWe had once again the honor of joining friends and family at the annaul horse races out in Aimissville, VA. We always get to visit with...
RVARecently I had the pleasure to photograph a couple of black labs and their owner out at Libby Park. Busy day but beautiful. I took the...
San Francisco and the Mission DIstrictI recently visited San Francisco and the Mission District. Fortunately, my wife has family there and we get to go visit. The Mission...